A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

Hey, this is for my first game jam, Mini Jam 160: Light. I wasn't able to finish the game, so I uploaded what I got.

### Idea:

In this space shooter, the idea was to maintain a certain speed to catch up to the boss. As you go faster, the more you catch up to more harder units until you get to the boss. Speed decays, so you need to defeat more units to get more speed.

### My Experience:

This is my first game jam, and my first time with Lua or LOVE. I usually mess around with Pygame, so I have to say I really dig LOVE. I'll use it again soon!

I also never did shaders before, which was half the time I spent doing this game, to get the speed effect working correctly. I was really proud of getting the stars to go black when you are fast enough.

I tried to scope this down for the weekend game jam, but I guess that's something I need to get better at!

So here's my steam pile of dog poo. I wanted to at least post anything and get started actually doing jams.

### Future:

I learned a lot joining the jam and I think I'll make some templates and stuff for LOVE for the next jam. See you guys then!

Please give me feedback on what is here; I'd love to get any advice!!

- Ash

Published 19 days ago
PlatformsWindows, macOS, Linux
Tags2D, LÖVE, Pixel Art


LightSpeed.love 1.9 MB

Install instructions

I am currently having trouble with the web version working. :/

If you have LOVE on your computer or get it from love2d.org, you can run my .love file from the download provided.

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